Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 6:30 pm
Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center l 2201 Fred Taylor Dr l Columbus, OH 43210
Farris Barakat, Brother of Deah Barakat (Chapel Hill Shooting's victim) | Dr. Abdulhakim Mohamed
MY Project USA strives to grow and foster more Muslim youth like, Deah, Yusor and Razan, Our Three Winners, the victims of the tragic Chapel Hill shooting in past February. They were outstanding, caring, vibrant, beloved, bright young Americans working at home and abroad selflessly to ease other people’s pain and to make this world a better place for everyone. May Allah SWT keep elevating their ranks in Heaven.
We are now being joined by Deah's brother, Farris Barakat, to help us further their legacies in Columbus and around the country. We invite you to join hands with us and help us foster more strong youth while addressing some very serious issues.
The money raised at this event will help us:
- Save victims of sex-trafficking, domestic violence, gangs, bullying, etc.
- Prevent suicide, radicalization, and extremist violence
- Feed & shelter homeless, hungry and needy
- Youth Development & Parent Education
Space is very limited. Tickets are sold per seat, regardless of who is occupying it. Any child in the auditorium will be charged for full ticket. This does not include non-disruptive babies and toddlers on their parents laps or in the car seats.
$35.00 In Advance
$45.00 At Door
$250.00 Table of 8
Age Appropriate Childcare Services:
Pre-Register: $10.00
At Door: $15.00
Zerqa Abid | 614-905-0977